Virginia DEQ
Home MenuTMDL Development
When water quality monitoring data shows that state waters do not meet water quality standards, clean-up plans called Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) or Advance Restoration Plans (ARPs) are developed by DEQ to determine the total amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. These waters are called “impaired” and are listed in the Virginia Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report, which can be found on Water Quality Assessments.
During the development of clean-up plans, public input is requested at the onset of the development process and when a draft clean-up plan is available for review. To participate in the development of TMDLs, Implementation Plans (IPs) and ARPs, visit DEQ’s TMDL Public Notices.
The overall goal of a clean-up plan is to restore and maintain water quality standards. Following clean-up plan development, pollutant reductions from point sources are implemented through the Water Permit programs. Pollutant reductions from nonpoint sources are implemented through Implementation Plans and nonpoint source grant programs that fund voluntary practices.