Renewable energy is a form of energy produced by natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat. It is replenished naturally at rates faster than they are consumed while reducing additional electrical generation from burning fossil fuels known to emit greenhouse gases or other air pollutants associated with traditional energy consumption.

DEQ enables the construction and operation of renewable energy projects through a permit by rule (PBR) process. A renewable energy project is deemed to have a permit if it meets the requirements of the provisions in the regulations. This authorization is required before construction and operation of a project can commence.  

Through the PBR, DEQ coordinates reviews from the Department of Historic Resources, the Department of Wildlife Resources and the Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure potential significant impacts to cultural or threatened and endangered species are avoided or mitigated. Some of the requirements for the PBR include receiving local government approval, submission of interconnection studies and agreements, conducting surveys for cultural and natural resources and developing a mitigation plan if necessary. 

Program News
PBR Forms
Application & Modification Fees
Project Modifications
Change of Ownership