I have stopped using my tank. Do I have to do anything with it?
If you stop using your tank (e.g., you switch to a heat pump or replace the old one), Virginia’s statewide building code requires you to close your old heating oil tank properly. Closing the tank involves either removing the tank or filling it with a solid, inert material. The fuel supply lines need to be capped or crimped to prevent an accidental delivery to the old tank.
Localities differ on whether they allow a tank to be closed in place rather than removing it from the ground, so be sure to check with your local building official before starting the process. Your local building official may also require you to get a building permit before you close the tank and may attend the closure to ensure it is done properly. Improperly abandoned tanks can (and often do) lead to tank leaks, which can be expensive and disruptive to clean up. You may also find it difficult to sell or refinance your property if you have not closed your out-of-use tank properly.