Cleanup studies – also called TMDLs and TMDL alternatives – are best developed in collaboration with watershed residents, permittees and other interested stakeholders. Among many possible benefits, stakeholder input helps to ensure that cleanup plans are reasonable, realistic and reflect local insight. Public meetings and other advisory group meetings provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn about the process and provide their input.

For information on PCB TMDLs under development, visit the PCB TMDLs page.

Below are the current TMDL and TMDL alternative development projects underway. Meeting materials associated with each project are also included below.

South Fork Rivanna River
Sand Branch
James River Tributaries- Chesterfield
Moores and Mill Creek
Fryingpan, Pigg River, Poplar Branch and Beaverdam Creek
Middle Fork Holston River and Tributaries
Hat and Black Creek
James River Tributaries- Henrico/Goochland/City of Richmond
Roanoke River, Tinker and Wolf Creeks
Greendale Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Fleenor Branch
Crooked Run, Stony Creek and Pughs Run